Yamal, the Heart
of the Oil and Gas
Industry of Russia
Project news
Газпром нефть открыла в г. Муравленко Центр управления добычей
Газпром нефть и ЯНАО подписали социально-экономическое соглашение
Уникальная цифровая подстанция «Север» введена в эксплуатацию на Новопортовском месторождении
ЛУКОЙЛ ввел в разработку Хальмерпаютинское месторождение в Большехетской впадине
Газпромнефть-Ямал увеличила добычу углеводородов на 5% в 2020 г.
Руснефтехим наращивает лицензионный фонд в ЯНАО
В стратегию развития Арктики вошло освоение месторождений и производство СПГ в ЯНАО
Газпром нефть внедрила воздушное сканирование лесов для контроля за их сохранностью на месторождениях
Газпром нефть запускает Центр управления бурением для строительства скважин в ЯНАО
Накопленная добыча нефти на Восточно-Мессояхском месторождении достигла 18 млн т
На Новопортовском месторождении добыто 30 млн т нефти и газового конденсата
Газпром открыл новую газовую залежь на Ленинградском месторождении на шельфе Карского моря
 Читайте новый материал! ТРЕСТ КХМ: хроника 15-ти лет работы в регионе
Read the new material! Trust Koksokhimmontazh : chronicle of 15 years of work in the region
Газпром нефть первой в нефтегазовой отрасли представила 3D-проект обустройства месторождения
Gazprom Neft was the first in the oil and gas industry to present a 3D project of field development
К 90-летию ЯНАО: 10 интересных фактов
To the 90th anniversary of the YaNAO: 10 interesting facts
Газпром нефть успешно испытала новую технологию строительства скважин для ачимовской толщи
Gazprom Neft successfully tested a new well construction technology for the Achimov formation
Качественный нефтесервис на Ямале: интервью с генеральным директором «ТНГ-Групп» Яном Шариповым
High-quality oil service in Yamal: interview with the General Director of "TNG-Group"
Встречайте обновления в медиапроекте «Ямал – сердце нефтегазовой отрасли России»
Meet the updates in the media project "Yamal, the Heart of the Oil and Gas Industry of Russia"
В Арктику могут запустить тяжелые дроны для контроля границ
Heavy drones can be launched into the Arctic to control borders
РусГазАльянс приступил к строительству 1-й эксплуатационной скважины на Семаковском месторождении
RusGasAlliance started construction of the 1st production well at the Semakovsky field
Газпром нефть приступает к освоению крупнейших газоконденсатных месторождений ЯНАО
Gazprom Neft begins development of 3 largest gas condensate fields in the YANAO
Энергетическая стратегия до 2035 г.
Energy strategy until 2035
Выросли объемы добычи
Production volumes increased
Инфраструктура для совместных проектов
Infrastructure for joint projects
Благодарность за социальные проекты в ЯНАО
Gratitude for social projects in YaNAO
«Газпром нефть» – Планы развития компании в регионе
«Gazprom Neft» - company development Plans in the region
Итоги исполнения бюджета ЯНАО за 2 месяца 2020 г.
YaNAO budget execution results for 2 months of 2020
НК Руснефтехим примет участие в качестве серебряного партнера
Rusneftekhim will participate as a silver partner
Alexander Novak
Minister of energy of the Russian Federation
Dmitry Artyukhov
Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district

Russia pays greater attention to the development of the Fuel & Power Sector in the northern territories. We are confident that the support of geological exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Arctic is the key to the future of the domestic oil and gas industry. The policy regarding the northern territories is based on the fact that the development of the hydrocarbon potential of the continental shelf of the Arctic seas and northern territories is the most important geopolitical and technological challenge for the oil and gas sector of Russia

We see that facilities of Fuel & Power Sector act as drivers for the formation of the infrastructure in the region and accelerate the socio-economic development of the Arctic, therefore, we have repeatedly stressed the importance of creating such growth points

Source: minenergo.gov.ru

This year is significant for us. Our district is turn 90 years old. First of all, it is a celebration of all those who gave their strength and health for the benefit of the Yamal development. This is the legendary generation of heroes, optimists and dreamers.

"The work was difficult, life was not easy. But it passed among the people of disinterested brotherhood who discovered deposits of gas, gas condensate and oil. "I recall the time, or rather the life spent on Yamal, with pride and love". These are the words of Nikolai Glebov, our legendary driller.

I am convinced that the memories of those times resonate today in the heart of every Yamal citizen. It is our duty to keep this memory carefully, to pass it from generation to generation".

Source: yanao.ru

Alexander Novak
Minister of energy of the Russian Federation

Russia pays greater attention to the development of the Fuel & Power Sector in the northern territories. We are confident that the support of geological exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Arctic is the key to the future of the domestic oil and gas industry. The policy regarding the northern territories is based on the fact that the development of the hydrocarbon potential of the continental shelf of the Arctic seas and northern territories is the most important geopolitical and technological challenge for the oil and gas sector of Russia

We see that facilities of Fuel & Power Sector act as drivers for the formation of the infrastructure in the region and accelerate the socio-economic development of the Arctic, therefore, we have repeatedly stressed the importance of creating such growth points

Source: minenergo.gov.ru

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Dmitry Artyukhov
Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district

This year is significant for us. Our district is turn 90 years old. First of all, it is a celebration of all those who gave their strength and health for the benefit of the Yamal development. This is the legendary generation of heroes, optimists and dreamers.

"The work was difficult, life was not easy. But it passed among the people of disinterested brotherhood who discovered deposits of gas, gas condensate and oil. "I recall the time, or rather the life spent on Yamal, with pride and love". These are the words of Nikolai Glebov, our legendary driller.

I am convinced that the memories of those times resonate today in the heart of every Yamal citizen. It is our duty to keep this memory carefully, to pass it from generation to generation".

Source: yanao.ru

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About the project
autonomous okrug
Portal of the oil and gas sector

«Yamal, the Heart of the Oil and Gas Industry of Russia» is a unique media project confined to a memorable date: 90th anniversary of formation of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area.

The project is determined not only to tell about the richest history of the region and its stage-by-stage development which turned Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area into the outpost of the Russian oil and gas industry, but also to tell about working here are the companies implemented and planned investment projects, major industrial facilities, constructed in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, and much more.

Opportunities and purposes of the project
of investments sent to Russian Arctic are accounted for Yamal

Tell a wide audience about the formation and development of the oil and gas industry in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area

Show the key Federal investment projects of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area in the field of oil and gas production

Present interesting and informative content about oil and gas production in the region to a wide audience

Underlining the importance of further development of oil and gas industry in the region actively supported by the regional government, federal authorities and largest oil and gas companies of Russia during the anniversary year

Подробнее об объекте
Oil service
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Project partners
General partner
Gold partner
Gold partner
Silver partner
Project team
Olga Bakhtina
Chief Editor
Dmitry Averyanov
Commercial Director
Anastasia Nikitina
Project editor
Ekaterina Romanova
Project Manager
Sabina Babaeva
Text Author
Mikhail Chelyadenkov
Elena Alifirova
Text Author
Nikolay Skinteev
Anna Pavlihina
Text Author
Denis Savosin
Text Author
Ilya Gromov
Text Author